Azm and Saade Association offers scholarships and interest-free loans to student pursuing their higher education. In addition, adult literacy courses provided under the supervision of experienced specialists and empowerment programs for students with academic difficulties are also offered, which provide opportunities for a wide range of target groups.

The main objectives of these services are:

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

To ensure access to quality education for vulnerable families as per pre-set criteria

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

To create and offer special opportunities and linkages for vulnerable students that excel in their studies

Through educational support services The Association has contributed to the education of 13,000 university students and 8,000 students in various schools in Lebanon.

School support
Lebanese university
Private universities
Activity 1

School Support Program for Official Intermediate and High School Students

The School Support Program aims at strengthening the capacity of students taking their official exams at the intermediate and secondary levels. Support is offered in three branches: general sciences, life sciences, and sociology and economics. Support is provided in the official schools in Tripoli and the North region, including Dennieh and Akkar. Since its launching, 14,000 students have benefied from support services.

Activity 2

Al Azm Center for Biotechnology Research for Graduate Studies


The center was established in Tripoli, in 2006, in cooperation with the Lebanese University. Through a grant, the association provided all the equipment needed to launch the center. In addition, the center has awarded 12 doctoral fellowships over a period of 12 years with the aim of promoting scientific research in the city of Tripoli. Today, 24 trainers and staff, and 45 research professors participate in up to 150 different conference, six of which were held in Tripoli. Remarkably, they have also published over 400 scientific research papers at an international level.

جمعية العزم والسعادة الإجتماعية